Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Toolkit: Life Drawing

Beginning our life drawing class, we were required to draw this piece of installation art. 

The first drawing using pencil, graphite and charcoal. I first used a HB pencil to sketch and was trying to be precise, but I actually let go and stylized the drawing. I freely drew what I saw as well as adding style and interpreting the object in my own way.

Moving onto using black paper and white chalk to create the negative space between the installation. I had a good time letting loose and creating this abstract image - it somehow reminds me of a stylized Metropolis poster.


 I then added black charcoal to make the image bolder.

I thoroughly enjoyed this life drawing class. With quick personal development to become free and explore new styles, I like the outcome of the final drawings. One thing I could improve on is the composition - to include the entire installation in the scene, as well mark the bamboo sticks clearer.